
Help Restore the Health of Our Forests and Rural Communities

Support Active Management of Our Federal Forests

Millions of acres of federal forests are unhealthy.  America’s rural, forested communities are struggling.  Wildlife populations are increasingly hard to find on federal lands.

The current hands-off approach to our federal forests isn’t working.  It’s time for a change.  By actively managing our forests, we can promote rural economic opportunity while also maintaining the many benefits we have come to expect from our forests, including recreation and diverse wildlife populations.

If you support a new direction for our federal forests, please join us. By signing up, you will:

  • Support a wide range of management activities- from timber harvests to landscape restoration- that keep our forests healthy and allow more Americans to work in the woods.
  • Learn more about what’s happening in your local federal forests.
  • Find opportunities to get involved in a positive, proactive way.

We send periodic updates to alert you to important developments and meaningful opportunities to get involved.  We do not spam and we will not share your contact information with anyone.